- The library will be kept open from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on all days except sundays and public holidays
- Books for the reference are not issued to students except for reference in the reading room.
- A student can borrow only two books at a time. Book will be issued only on production of borrowers card.
- The book issued to students shall not be retained for more than two weeks. Failure to return the book on the due date entitles a fine of 50ps per week. Sundays and holidays being excluded.
- Books taken during vacation shall be returned within the first three working days after the reopening of the college.
- Transfer or sub lending of books is strictly prohibited.
- Marking underlining etc. in any book, manuscript or map belonging to the library is absolutely forbidden.
- Books borrowed from the library should be returned forth with when the librarian demands.
- When borrowing a book, students shall bring to the notice of the librarian, damages if any in the book. Otherwise they will be held responsible for such damage.
- If books issued are lost, the student concerned will have to replace it or pay the current price of the book along with the fine fixed.
- Borrower’s card will be issued to students from the library. When the card is lost, a duplicate card will be issued from the college office on payment of Rs.15/-
- No paper or periodical lying on the table shall be removed from the reading room or from the place allotted to it.
- Loud reading and talking in the reading room are strictly forbidden.
- Any loss, damage etc will have to be compensated person responsible for it.
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